Maysa nak dati a karpintero ngem saan a regular iti trabahok. Dakkel ti pagyamanan ti pamilyak ta nakastrekak a Security Guard iti maysa a first-class hotel babaen iti DSWD-SLP (I used to work as an on-call laborer. My family is grateful that I am now working in a first-class hotel as a security guard through the Sustainable Livelihood Program of the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 1).”

Gerald Suero, 46, a Pantawid Pamilya beneficiary from Vigan City, used to work 3-4 days a week as an on-call laborer earning PhP250.00 per day to provide for his family’s needs. Because of his rough income, he also worked as the barangay garbage truck driver earning an additional Php1,800.00 per month while his wife is a beauty and wellness products dealer.

Poor but not in spirit

Through the Family Development Session of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, Gerald and 34 other 4Ps beneficiaries in the city were oriented on the SLP process and immediately showed interest in being part of the program in 2016. Based from the assessment and validation of the staff, they underwent Skills Training on Pre-Licensing Course for Security Guards and had successfully obtained their licenses.

This DSWD-SLP project which amounted to PhP486,500.00 from the DSWD-SLP Regular GAA 2016 fund is implemented in partnership with the City Government of Vigan and Vigan Skills Training Institute who shouldered PhP35,000.00 of the training cost.

As a way to conveniently start their career as security implementers, each SLP participant was given a set of complete uniform with prescribed pair of shoes.

Welcoming opportunities 

The Heritage City of Vigan being one of the most famous tourist destinations in the country opensb many job opportunities for security guards as establishments sprouted in all of the city premises. Gerald was successfully hired as a security guard at Vigan City’s only first-class museum hotel in February 2017.

After 6 months of quality security service, he was promoted as the team leader of the hotel’s security force. Apart from his 13th month pay, SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-ibig benefits, he is also entitled of a Team Leader monthly allowance.

Proud nak diay dati a trabahok ngem maragsakanak met ta dakkel ti limmag-anan ti ubrak tatta. Saanak a main-initan ken matudtudwanen (I am proud of my previous job but I am more comfortable with my job now. I am no longer working under the sun or rain),” he said.

Self-determination towards sustainable livelihood

Recognizing the great impact of DSWD-SLP to their family’s well-being, he shared that one’s determination is still the deciding factor in life. “Uray kasano kaado a tulong nga ited ti gobyerno, masapol a siak mismo ket kayat ko a tulungan sa numam-ay ti bagik uray kaskasano (Regardless of the many interventions from the government, I make sure that I am determined to help my self live a fuller life no matter what),” he added.

Most of his training batch mates are also employed as security guards in Ilocos Sur. (by: Janine Joy B. Altero, Social Marketing Officer, Sustainable Livelihood Program)