“A big thanks to DSWD for helping poor Filipino families to have professionals in the future,” Teacher Aiza Ancheta Cablay expressed. She recalled how DSWD was able to help her family send her to school and achieve her ultimate dream of becoming a teacher.

Teacher Aiza of Banglayan, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur who graduated Cum Laude is currently a Teacher III at Banglayan Elementary School. At the same time, she is continuously harnessing her knowledge by enrolling in graduate school.

Reminiscing the challenging days she described as nightmares that included sleepless nights, she could not help but think of life’s uncertainties and having small amount of money to buy food and school needs. Glory days came and shed light to her family when she was chosen as one of the grantees of the Expanded Students’ Grants-in-Aid Program for Poverty Alleviation (ESGP-PA) in 2014. Like other 4Ps household beneficiaries, her family also endured the ridicule from people who perceive 4Ps as a dole-out program. However, she chose to focus on her goal of providing a better life for her family. The cash grants from 4Ps and the stipend from ESGP-PA helped her family to ease the burden of daily life. Her dream of becoming a teacher become even brighter and a greater chance to achieve it.

Not only did Teacher Aiza achieved her dream but her family’s level of well-being also improved. Graduating from 4Ps in 2020 is a milestone for the Cablay Family.

Teacher Aiza proudly shared, “I will be forever grateful for being a 4Ps beneficiary. I will always keep my head up high and will never be ashamed because this paved my way to be called. (by: Arlem Kenneth R. Areola, Project Development Officer II- NGA Focal Person)