Serving the best welfare and interest of Day Care Children and DSWD’s contribution to the Millennium Development Goal Number 1, the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, the Supplementary Feeding will continue to feed at least 97,026 Day Care Children in Region 1 for 2014.
For 2013, DSWD downloaded Php 136,000,000.00 to the Local Government Units (LGUs) to cover 84,570 children with Php 13.00 per child per day allocation for rice and viand in 120 feeding days.
The additional hot meal a day to enrolled Day Care Children will still be composed of rice and nutritious viands (meat/fish/ vegetables) prepared by the parents organized as Day Care Service Parent Group, with supervision of Day Care Workers and Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officers.
As frontliners, the Local Government Units with its Social Welfare and Development Officers must act fast, flexible, and being able to cope with the challenges of increasing demand and expectations both from the national government and the beneficiaries. This is now the ‘new normal’ or paradigm shift in the DSWD.
Thus, Ms. Helen O. Nerona, OIC-Chief of the Institutional Development Unit, posed as a challenge during the recently held Program Implementation Review (PIR).
With the DSWD’s leadership brand of matapat (loyal), mahusay (competent) and magiliw (passionate) in serving its stakeholders, prompt and immediate response must also be added in serving the clients, particularly on adopting change and enhancing program implementation, Nerona further mentioned.
The PIR also determined the opportunities and gaps or lapses in the implementation of the program, ensure compliance to guidelines, and refrain from deviations.
In the analysis of the Program’s Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT), the implementers also identified the internal and external factors affecting its implementation vis-a-vis its projected goals, as shared by Mr. Benjamin F. Baldo, SWO V/Chief, GASSD.
On its funds utilization, the submission of liquidation documents for previous funding is needed prior to the succeeding releases. As advised, the LGUs should work smoothly and objectively with their internal auditors.
On the nutritious food served, a well-planned menu is prepared and enhanced by the Day Care Workers giving consideration on the vegetables mostly preferred by the children. (by: Iryn D. Cubangbang, Information Officer II)