DSWD FO1 convened public and private partners and encouraged them to conduct mini studies and researches with the theme “Pantawid Pamilya as Platform for Social Protection” for possible research grant.

Gathered inputs during the recently held Regional Consultation Dialogue will further enhance the research areas on social protection policies, social protection programs, stakeholder empowerment, and organizational development.

“The research agenda will not only help the Agency improve its systems and processes on its policies and programs but also identify gaps on its growing complexities and challenges on human resources and logistics. Also, the expected output of funded researches will be policy notes or think papers which will be presented during the National Research Conference in August 2016 and share with policy makers and legislators to maximize its purpose,” said Research Officer III Zoe Dominique R. Cunanan of DSWD Central Office who served as the resource person.

Studies on core poverty reduction programs especially on the convergence strategy and on statutory programs are also among the focus of mini-studies or researches.

A strong and effective link with the stakeholders as the DSWD does its steering functions will be the end goal of researches along stakeholder empowerment.

As mentioned, areas on the social protection policies such as meaningful devolution, standards regulation, and international commitment are also areas of study.

These research agenda will be promoted among incoming graduating students and those completing their graduate studies. (by: Iryn D. Cubangbang, Information Officer II)