In response to the pressing needs of communities impacted by the adverse effects of El Niño, the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 1 (DSWD FO 1) has augmented a total of PhP372,500.00 worth of assistance to affected families in Solsona, Ilocos Norte that has declared a State of Calamity.  

DSWD FO 1 has swiftly mobilized resources to extend help to aid the most severely affected through the request of the DSWD Food-for-Work program wherein a total of 500 Family Food Packs (FFPs) were provided to 500 recipients. 

The activities conducted by the beneficiaries focused on clean-up drive and dredging water canals in preparation for La Niña that is expected in the months of June, July, and August 2024 per DOST-PAGASA.

The DSWD Food-for-Work beneficiaries meticulously remove dried leaves and trash that may clog in water canals

The identified beneficiaries are indigent families experiencing water shortages and drought’s subsequent impact on their livelihood, leaving them vulnerable and in need of support.

DSWD Food-for-Work is a community-based assistance program providing temporary employment and aims to address food security to families affected by disasters, Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDAs), and disaster-affected areas, as these communities often face higher vulnerabilities to food security and limited job opportunities.

To date, a total of 16,071 families with 70,842 individuals were affected in 435 barangays in the Provinces of Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, and Pangasinan due to the effects of El Niño in the Region.

DSWD FO 1 Regional Director Marie Angela S. Gopalan orders to intensify the efforts of the Agency to swiftly provide augmentation in case a request may arise from the dry spell-affected Local Government Units (LGUs).

DSWD FO1 1 currently maintains a total of 46,580 FFPs equivalent to PhP35.7M ready for augmentation to LGU as needed. By: Nicole Kasandra A. Lipawen, Information Officer II – Disaster Response Management Division