Two weeks after the onslaught of Severe Tropical Storm (STS) Kristine and Super Typhoon (STY) Leon in Region 1, the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 1 (DSWD FO 1) – Ilocos Region has provided support to 27,100 families—about 18.11% of the 149,630 affected families, which has reached approximately 567,677 individuals across the region. The local government units’ (LGUs) swift action in addressing the immediate needs of families affected by the said typhoons has resulted in a decreased demand for additional support from the DSWD FO 1, which oversees the distribution of food and non-food items.
As the vice-chair for response and early recovery, the agency remains committed to supporting families, particularly those who have been displaced, with the support of 12 disaster response subclusters. Hence, DSWD FO 1 has requested other national government agencies under the response clusters to extend additional support to the 8,121 families whose homes have been damaged, as reported in the latest update.
To meet this need, the Shelter Cluster, led by the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD), takes the lead in providing temporary housing solutions for displaced families. The focus is not just on immediate shelter but on ensuring that these temporary homes offer essential qualities such as privacy, adequate space, physical accessibility, and security—both in the short and long term. DHSUD is also committed to ensuring that these shelters provide security of tenure so families can rebuild their lives with confidence.
Alongside this, the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), which leads the Early Recovery subcluster, is collaborating with provincial LGUs and its cluster member-agencies to carry out a detailed evaluation of the damage and ongoing needs over the next few weeks. This will identify key areas needing support and guide early recovery initiatives, such as helping families with damaged houses.

On the other hand, as STS Marce approaches northern Luzon, RDRRMC 1 has once again convened a Pre-Disaster Risk Assessment meeting to prepare for its potential effects in the region. Despite the ongoing challenges, the unwavering efforts of RDRRMC 1, local government units (LGUs), and DSWD are helping the residents of Ylocandia not only survive the storms but also rebuild stronger and more resilient communities for the future.