The Municipality of Bacarra, Ilocos Norte initiated the creation of Barangay Advisory Committee (BAC) for Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program, a committee at the Barangay level that ensures the efficient and effective implementation of the program and prompt resolution of grievances, a first in the entire country.
All the 43 barangays organized their respective BAC that regularly meet bi monthly to 1.) enhance ownership and promote joint efforts with partner agencies and local implementers; 2.) ensure availability of supply side needs and services; 3.) investigate, discuss and make appropriate action/s for issues and concerns (exclusion error; misdemeanor, non compliance of beneficiaries among others); 4.) provide necessary logistical support to the program implementation (FDS venue, needed barangay certification; peace and order among others) and; 5.) prepare reports to be submitted to the Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC).
The committee is composed of the Barangay Captain who acts as the Chairperson along with the Barangay Kagawad who heads the Social Welfare Committee. Also included are the Barangay Health Worker President, a Day Care Worker, Midwife, Parent Leader, Barangay Nutrition Scholar and the Barangay Secretary.
This became the basis of the Pantawid Pamilya Regional Advisory Committee (RAC), composed of various Pantawid Pamilya implementing agencies, in crafting the guidelines for the eventual institutionalization of the Pantawid Pamilya Barangay Advisory Committee (PPBAC).
PPBAC is one of the region’s initiatives to respond in the increasing number of program beneficiaries and to fully disseminate the program’s objectives to stakeholders as contained in the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) entered into by the DSWD and the LGUs.
In the crafted PPBAC, additional members will include CSOs, if there are, and a tribal leader for IP areas if the Punong Barangay is not an IP.
The PPBAC will eventually facilitate and speed up the resolution of grievances and address issues particularly on the supply side as stipulated in the MOA. It will also oversee the overall implementation of the Pantawid Pamilya Program at the Barangay level in close coordination with the City/Municipal Operations Office and the City/Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (C/MSWDO).
Once approved at the national level, PPBAC will be established in all Pantawid Pamilya Barangays nationwide. (by: ALLAN O. LULU, Information Officer II/ Pantawid Pamilya)