Continuing a dream hindered by poverty, Daniel Lang – es of Narra Oeste, City of San Fernando, La Union is pursuing his studies after stopping for seven years. Thanks to the government’s scholarship program, the Student Grants in Aide Program for Poverty Alleviation (SGPPA).
Twenty six – year old Daniel is on his second year taking up Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education. Daniel strives to finish his studies in order to find a better job than being a Security Guard at a Cement Warehouse in the City. Accordingly, he manages his time by attending classes after his 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM guard duty.
Though challenged by nightly shifts, Daniel is still grateful for the job and his considerate employer. An employer who allows him to catch up for rest at dawn in time for his morning classes. Accordingly, his current job is better than previous ones being a construction worker taking home P170 after a hard day’s work and a house boy receiving only P100 a day.
Separated with his wife, Daniel is inspired by his one year old daughter to finish school saying “..tapno nasay sayaat ti masakbayan jay ubing ken haan na marikna jay rigat nga dinalanak. Uray kasatnu ti rigat basta para jay ubing” (for my daughter to have a better future and for her to avoid experiencing what I have gone through).
Daniel receives P 3,500 per month for allowance; P2,500 for book fees and P10,000 for tuition fees from SGPPA.
With his school allowances provided by the program, Daniel still manages to save a little for his daughter who stays with his in laws.
After five years, Daniel sees himself as a teacher helping children reach for their dreams. In order to achieve this, Daniel is putting his best in studying to maintain good grades.
Thankful to the Lord above, Daniel treats the scholarship as his last chance to pursue his dreams. Also, he hopes that the program will be able to help people like him who are very willing to study yet lacks opportunity and stopped by poverty.
by: Allan O. Lulu / Information Officer II, Pantawid Pamilya