A sticker on energy conservation

Pursuant to Memorandum Circular No. 8, the Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office 1 (DSWD FO1) strictly monitors and implements austerity measures in the use of maintenance and other operating expenses to exercise prudence in the utilization of funds.

The General Administrative Support Services Division (GASSD) promotes and educates all employees on the wise consumption of water, fuel, and electricity.

GASSD designed a sticker to be pasted in all units/divisions/centers/institutions reminding all employees on energy conservation.

According to GASSD Chief Benjamin F. Baldo, all employees support the information dissemination on energy conservation, though electricity and water consumption in the FO is rising due to increasing number of staff.

Chief Baldo narrated that during the first semester of 2014, utilization of funds was maximized because of the strict compliance on the systems based on the procedures implemented within the office. He also added that close coordination with end-users is also done for consistent monitoring purposes and to avoid delay of processes.

GASSD also ensures comfortable workplace. Chief Baldo believes that this contributes to the impressive performance of all staff in their respective areas of assignment.

The following infrastructure projects were implemented by the GASSD during the first semester: FO1-painting of steel flat form, stairs, supports, and concrete walls; fabrication and installation of GenSet steel gate and rehabilitation of records room roofing of Listahanan Project’s encoding room, and rehabilitation of comfort rooms; FO1 Warehouse-installation, fabrication and widening the main gate; Regional Rehabilitation for Youth (RRCY) – renovation and repair of comfort room at the Administrative Office, construction of outdoor kitchen sink with canopy, fabrication/installation of steel window grills and canopy, concreting of parking space for Persons with Disability (PWD), and repair and renovation of visitor’s comfort room; Home for Girls (HFG) – construction of storage room and reroofing of kitchen and roofing of the laundry area; Haven For Children (HFC) – demolition of the old kitchen’s existing sink and fabrication of old cabinet, fabrication of one long dining table, repair and repainting of the existing dining tables and wooden bench; and Area 1 Vocational Rehabilitation Center (AVRC 1) – fabrication/installation of windows and door screen and renovation/repair of conference room trusses and ceiling. (by: Jaesem Ryan A. Gaces, Administrative Assistant III, NHTS-PR/Listahanan)